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SMBMI Youth Committee Donation

SMBMI Youth Committee Donation

On December 1, 2020, San Manuel Band of Mission Indians Youth Committee shipped over 36 boxes of warm winter clothing and toys for Cheyenne River Youth Project’s Annual Christmas Toy Drive.

Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe is located in South Dakota, where winter temperatures only reach a high of 30 degrees per day and dip even lower at night. The San Manuel Youth Committee’s response to the Tribe’s conditions prompted them to coordinate a clothing and toy drive throughout the entire month of November, amongst their own tribal community.

Since 1990, Cheyenne River has hosted its Annual Christmas Toy Drive as part of its Family Services Initiative, servicing much of the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation.

Similar to everyone around the world, the Tribe has remained resilient while enduring many obstacles throughout 2020 and most recently forged ahead with preparing safe curbside distributions for hundreds of families, in which Christmas gifts were delivered to approximately 1,000 children on Christmas Day.

“Our kids have missed out on so much this year,” says Cheyenne River parent Karen Ducheneaux. “We’ve asked them to sacrifice over and over, and they have. So many of our families are struggling even more than usual because of lost employment and stay-at-home orders. Knowing the Cheyenne River Youth Project (CRYP) is moving forward with its toy drive despite limitations, is a relief to so many parents. Many families may not have presents to give their children without the work of CRYP and the generosity of its donors, like San Manuel Band of Mission Indians. As a parent, I am so grateful.”