The application deadline has been changed to March 15, 2025 5PM (PDT).


Our cultural values require that we interact with respect and humility.  We continue to honor the vision of our past leaders by supporting our communities of the Inland Empire (San Bernardino and Riverside counties) and Indian Country.

The Spirit of Yawa’ - to act upon one’s beliefs - inspires us to embrace the value and worldview bestowed upon us through our Creator, while inheriting responsibilities that preserve and protect San Manuel ancestral lands and their inhabitants.

San Manuel Cares

We are committed to fulfilling our legacy while aspiring to be a community leader for positive social change.

San Manuel Cares

We cherish and celebrate our spiritual, cultural and tribal traditions, support sustainable environmental practices and advocate for resilient, healthy communities.

San Manuel Cares

We focus our resources on services, programs and initiatives that deliver the greatest value along with measurable cultural and social impact.