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Sherman Indian High School Students Visit The San Manuel Fire Station

Sherman Indian High School Students with SMBMI Fire Department

On March 24, 2023, a group of Sherman Indian High School students and staff visited the San Manuel Fire Station for tours and a live demonstration by fire personnel. This was part of the Career Technical Education (CTE) Pathways Program, which prepares its students for college or careers after high school. Assistant Fire Chief Chris Nelson conducted an orientation about the history of the fire station, provided insight about his professional work experience, and led tours for the group. Students that participated in the activity are enrolled in the Public Service Pathway at Sherman Indian that are interested in fire service.

Sherman Indian High School is an off-reservation boarding school for Native American students in Riverside, CA. Students have an option to choose one of eight pathways offered at Sherman Indian: public service, culinary arts, plant science, animal science, computers, construction, health careers, and automotive. Each pathway provides internship opportunities with local businesses and industry certifications that can be used to secure employment or enroll in postsecondary education after high school.

The Tribe is committed to advancing communities in the Inland Empire and Indian Country by partnering with local high schools. Education is one of the pillars and funding areas in the Tribe’s charitable giving program.