The application deadline has been changed to March 15, 2025 5PM (PDT).


San Manuel Donates More Than $100,000 To Victor Valley College Foundation’s A.L.E.R.T Project

Victor Valley College Foundation’s A.L.E.R.T Project

The San Manuel Band of Mission Indians recently donated more than $100,000 to Victor Valley College (VVC) Foundation’s A.L.E.R.T. project, a specialized program that will allow the Emergency Medical Services Department to use high-fidelity simulation and hands-on training both on campus and throughout the community.

Because of the San Manuel grant, the department will be able to create a mobile training and simulation lab housed in a fully functional ambulance. This lab will serve Victor Valley College public safety students as well as the general public in providing hands-on American Heart Association (AHA) CPR and First Aid training.

Additionally, the San Manuel Fire Department donated a fully functioning fire engine to the Victorville-based community college in support of its fire tech program, providing students with realistic training that aligns with today’s standards. The Tribe has supported the Victor Valley College Foundation since 2006, making contributions to various campus-based programs.

Victor Valley College estimates the A.L.E.R.T. mobile lab will serve at least 1,500 people in the next year; 500 being VVC students. As the mobile lab will provide training to parts of the community that may lack access to First Aid training, the efforts from VVC and AHA will contribute to improve the general well-being and health within the community.