The application deadline has been changed to March 15, 2025 5PM (PDT).


Crafton Hills College Opens New Public Safety Training Center

San Manuel Cares

On January 12, Crafton Hills College held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the opening of their new Public Safety Training Center, made possible with the help of a $1.8 million grant from the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians.

The training center will provide simulation experiences that firefighters would encounter in real-world situations, including fire-burn props for bedroom and kitchen simulations, additional room for rope rescue and ladder drill training and a live fire training facility. This donation was rooted in the Tribe's pillars supporting education and empowerment to advance opportunities and safety in their local communities.

Area residents and alumni joined San Bernardino County Community College District Chancellor Diana Rodriguez, Crafton Hills college president Kevin Horan, San Bernardino County Supervisor Dawn Rowe and the SBCCD Board of Trustees to celebrate the center’s opening. The ceremony included comments from Michael Smith, San Manuel Band of Mission Indians Vice President of Emergency Services who also serves as a Director of the Crafton College Foundation.

San Manuel Cares
San Manuel Cares
San Manuel Cares
San Manuel Cares
San Manuel Cares